Friday 3 May 2013

Borneo 24.04.2013 - 28.04.2013

Everyone always raves about how good Borneo is and so we thought it about time we checked it out for ourselves...

Beth and I flew out to Kuching, the state capital of Sarawak, Borneo and instantly aquired all the maps and leaflets you'd ever need to get round anywhere!! We stayed in a really nice hostel, 20minuet walk from the centre of town. We spent the first afternoon exploring the town and planning the rest of our days there. The town appeared to be pretty empty oddly-although it did get much more lively at the weekend!
Kuching Waterfront with Lightening in the background

Day 2 we set off very early for the Orangutan centre to see their morning feed. The Semmengoh centre has 27 semi-wild orangutans which it looks after. We managed to see 2 mums eating while their babies played in the trees above us, then we only saw one at the main feed but it was beautiful, and it proved how wild they really were!! Beth was very exicted as Orangutans are her favourite animal! On our way back we picked up a third traveller, had dinner together and then headed to the famous Fairy Cave. They were beautiful but very scary-there were no lights and a broken walkway through most of it and we only had phone torches to help us through!! It was fun though. On the way back to the bus we got caught in the monsoon and got drenched so had to spend 2 hours sat dripping wet on the bus home! We were so tired that night so had early nights after dinner:)


Day 3 was another early start as we set out to the Bako National Park for a day of trekking, jungle and monkeys. We saw wild Proboscous Monkeys in the trees!! The jungle plants and flowers were amazing too as were the beaches. We did 2 trails, one took us to the beach and the other to a view point where we got great views of the beaches below with the jungle surrounding them. Once again we were so tired at the end of the day!


Day 4 was our final day in Kuching, we hit the Sarwak museum which was really interesting, and then went to the Natural history museum-the worst museum ever!! They had one floor and it was dedicated to fossilised wood- pieces of wood displayed on stands of wood...was funny really!! The last musuem was the Chinese Museum and the chinese temple both of which were great. We then went shopping along the water front for souviners before having dinner and packing up.

I really liked Borneo-everyone was really friendly and lovely, the food was great to especially the Sarawak specialties - the best of which was the Sarwak cakes, thick moist and very colourful sponge cakes which were very addictive!! Kuching means Cat in Malay so there are cat statues all over the place including the 'Great Cat of Kuching' whihc was right near our hostel!! They were a tad creepy at times though! We were very tired having not stopped for 4 days and the trip took its toll on my best sandals-see photo!! However we didnot have time to rest as our flight on Sunday was taking us to Singapore...

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