Friday 3 May 2013

Perhentian Islands 12.04.2013 - 14.04.2013

Ok so firstly just want to say sorry for not updating in ages-theres been alot going on here and Ive been busy with work etc so I'm very sorry but here we go again...

A group of 8 of us booked a snorkeling tour for the weekend on the Perhentian Islands-famous for their beaches and amazing snorkeling. All was well as we headed out on my first ever sleeper train for the 14 hour train journey up to the north east corner of Malaysia. On arrival it became clear we hadn't picked the best weekend to travel as it was cloudy and rainy-and it stayed that way across the weekend! Not that we let that stop us-we are children of the UK after all!! The speedboat ride from the mainland to the large island was the roughest boat ride I've ever experienced- the boat was always lurching and flew several terrifying times!! But we got there safe and checked in before being taken out on our first snorkelling session where we managed to see a turtle!! Needless to say that was amazing in itself!! At Shark Point I didn't see any reef sharks but some of the faster swimmers did. I was still very impressed by the reefs and the fish-I found them just as amazing as sharks as I was still a beginner snorkeler!! We spent the evening drinking together on the beach under the stars :)
Sleeper train

Day 2 brought more bad weather and the news that we couldn't go to Redang as planned as the sea was too rough!! But,  after a couple of volleyball games, we still went snorkeling in several different places and saw another turtle and lots more fish, and WE FOUND NEMO!!! What more do you need?? :P The sea was really rough that day and a couple of us felt really sea sick but were fine once on dry land again for dinner!! That evening was spent on the beach drinking again (well we are students right!!) watching an amazing lightening storm out to sea :)

On Day 3 we were rushed off the island as the sea was rough again and they wanted us to get back to the mainland before it got worse!! So another very bumpy speedboat ride took us back to the mainland in the early afternoon- we all had sea-legs after that and could barely walk straight off the deck!! We had lunch then wandered round for a bit untill the tour people offered to take us to a waterfall-we arrived and the waterfall was fantastic, we swam for ages and it was so good to have fresh water rather than salty sea water!! We then returned to Uni on the overnight bus-the coldest bus ever!!!

We had a fantastic weekend together despite the weather and the snorkelling was amazing! Cant wait to do it again :)

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