Sunday 31 March 2013

Cameron Highlands 29.03.2013 - 30.03.2013

Happy Easter everyone-am craving Easter eggs so much at the minuet!! We had good Friday off so seemed like a good excuse for a little trip out to the Cameron Highlands. The Highlands are set in the valleys of Malaysia and are the site of lots of farms- basically if it grows, they grow it in the Cameron Highlands! The main farms are the Tea farms and Strawberry farms which cover most of the lands. One of the best bits was the weather- cloudy, chilly with a bit of rain- jeans and hoody weather- perfect for some Brits missing the UK weather!! We took the 4.5 hour bus journey from KL on Friday morning, the last 1.5 hours was along the very twisty and turny roads of the highlands- I felt so sick!! But we got through it! We drooped our stuff off at our apartment and set out to explore the town and get dinner. After 'family time' ( I was the big sister) back at the apartment we headed out for a night market! The market sold EVERYTHING strawberry related- it got a bit silly including the suggestion that we all bought matching strawberry PJ's!! Fried Wantons for tea followed by amazing strawberries and chocolate-yum yum!!! We all had an early night as we had a tour booked for 9 the next day... Oh and I got a RM100 note!!!

We were all up and out by 8:30 on Saturday morning! We had a very British breakfast of Eggs on Toast with a Cuppa!!! All 7 of us piled into the 4x4 sent to pick us up and so our tour of the highlands began. We visited the Rose Garden first-interesting decor but nice flowers. Next was the tea plantations-excellent photo opportunity! The plantations spread for miles! We saw the tea being made in the factory and had samples, but the best bit was the tea room at the back with Tea and Scones with jam and cream- a proper British treat!!! After the tea rooms came quick stops at the Honey Farm and then the Butterfly/Insect house. Next we drove to one of the strawberry farms and bought fresh strawberries (very rare in MY) and had fresh strawberry juice :)
The final stop on our tour was a Chinese temple which was really pretty and peaceful as always. The tour was fab considering it cost 5 pounds for all 4.5 hours!! We got dropped back in the main town and grabbed some dinner before stocking up for the drive home. This trip was really great- fab company as well as great sights and TEA!!! Felt like a little British getaway with the scones and strawberries!! Oh and I bought a strawberry cushion for my bed :P

I really enjoyed this trip-would defiantly recommend it to everyone especially tea and scones!!! Next up is a couple of weeks on campus working hard before a trip to the Perinthian Islands for snorkeling... Love to the UK :)

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