Sunday 31 March 2013

Broga 27.03.2013

Here at UNMC we live really close to a massive hill called Broga, its fairly famous I think and people climb it to see the sunrise or sunset over Kajang. We decided to climb it on Wednesday morning for the full moon and sunrise. After waking at 5am (!!!) and a breakfast of leftover pizza we headed to Broga. The climb was very steep and we worked up quite a sweat as we climbed to the first peak in the pitch black! We got to the peak with plenty of time to spare and settled to watch the sunrise. Unfortunately it was really cloudy so we didn't see the moon or sun- but the view was still really nice and we had a great time chatting and chilling together :) We spent some time at the top before the slippery climb down, 2nd breakfast at Maccy D's before getting back home for lectures at 11... We were very tired that evening!!

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