Monday 11 March 2013

Langkawi!! 08.02.13-10.02.13

We went away again this weekend (not sure Ive spent a full weekend on campus yet...) to the island of Langkawi! After a very short and bumpy flight we checked into our hostel before changing into dresses for a girly evening of cocktails on the beach, we found a great bar called Babylon where everyone was really chilled and listening to music and drinking on the beach so close to the sea, it was such a lovely sight :) We had cocktails late into the night before the compulsory tipsy pizza-which was actually amazing!!

Saturday we were all up and ready by 9! We rented a car and Suzie drove us around the island. We took the cable car up a massive hill which gave us amazing views across the whole main island and out into the sea-Langkawi island is really beautiful! The Cable was very steep however and a tiny bit scary!! We then headed to a Buffalo Park to feed the buffalo and try some milk-was an odd sight but really enjoyed it! We also drove to the 'field of burnt rice' which was possibly the worst tourist attraction ever-it was just a small patch of grass with a fence round it! The story behind it was much better but there was nothing to see-was quite funny really! We then drove to then north point of the island where we sunbathed on a private beach-living the life :) We stopped off at the jetty to watch the sunset at the giant Langkawi eagle, it was the first sunset I'd seen properly in Malaysia and was gorgeous-took so many photos although apparantly we were also a popular tourist attraction ourselves... We ate at the night market which was very busy and had some good food :) We finished this busy day with more cocktails on the beach - luxury :)

 On sunday we were up again at 9 and ready for Island Hopping. We were driven to the boat in a little van that had a door that fell off and no horn so when someone was in our way the driver leaned aout the window and shouted 'beep-beep' at them-much to our amusement! The boat took us first to the Pregnant Maiden lake on a different island (Langkawi is made up of 90+ apparantly), This one had hills which looked like a pregnant lady and if you bathed in the lake it was supposed to cure infertility... so we're all set for kids now!! It was on this island that people got stuff stolen by monkeys! We kept all our things though and we met a couple from sheffield (!!!) who fended off the monkeys with a very Northern ' Nooooooooorr You cant av ma bag' - a very welcome sound!! Next our little boat took us to see the Langkawi eagles feeding-I hoped for some better pictures and that we would have fed them for longer but the brief sight was amazing as they are so fast and accurate and beautiful birds :) Next we went to another island for some beach time which was nice and then back to the main island. After freshening up at the hostel we headed out for mexican food-well recommended by the large group of students that also came to Langkawi,  and it was really nice-I miss Nachos!!! We finished our weekend with a quick bit of shopping (didnt get anything) and a final bit of sunbathing before the smoothest flight home ever

Overall Langkawi was amazing and I would so go again, wish I was still there now with another cocktail on the beach!! Everyone back home would have loved it too-especially the duty free Jack Daniels at 7 pounds for a big bottle!! Anyway we are staying here pretty much for the next 2 weeks, need to get some work done and save up a bit before the next trip!! Still got plans for singapore and new plans to visit Redang and the Perinthian Islands for a long weekend at the end of the month!! I will blog if anything interesting happens before then!! Love to the UK! :)


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