Monday 4 March 2013

Weekend trip to Sg. Lembing, Kuantan, Pahang and My 20th Birthday!! 02/03-03/03

Last weekend was my 20th birthday! Felt a bit weird to be away from home and all the people I'm usually with but the guys here made it awesome and we took an amazing weekend trip away with the Nature society to the rainbow wtaerfalls and Teluk Cempedak Beach!

Saturday- We set off at 7am (after birthday skyping sessions of course) and drove for 5 hours to reach the Teluk Cempedak beach-This was a beautiful and very quiet beach where I guess the locals go more than tourists. After lunch came swimming, a bit of volleyball and sunbathing to dry off -the sea was warm, sun was shining, the waves were a little large for my liking but still was a lovely way to spend my birthday! Next came a brief stop at a museum and hanging bridge- seemed very dangerous when all 44 of us had a group photos on the bridge!! Saw some locals at work and got very wet in the afternoon rain! We stayed overnight in basically a large house with divided rooms, dinner was a huge barbecued feast of chicken, duck and squid amongst other things followed by some slightly odd team games! Back at the homestay the guys gave me my cake and sang before I distributed it-was quite good cake but not like in UK-was very light and covered in cream rather than the super chocolaty cakes I'm used to!! All-in-all the day was brilliant but we had to get to bed early as Sunday started at 5:15am.



Sunday started at 5:15 with a jeep ride to the local market for breakfast, it was surprisingly busy for that time in the morning!! After breakfast of rice noodles and pork came a 1 hour long jeep ride to the start of the waterfall-nothing like a bit of adventure and danger to start the day!! The jeep driver was great though sat in the back we got knocked around alot and the odd branch did try to decapitate us all!! It was so good though!! After wading across a small river came a 40minuet jungle walk up to the top of the waterfall. The sight on reaching the waterfall was amazing-It was so beautiful despite the lack of rainbow due to the lack of sun! We spent an hour or so at the top, swimming in the cold waters of the pool and sat under the falling waters was brilliant. They served us hot milo (hot chocolate) and noodles to warm us up after the cold waters! After the hike back down we drove to the 'hot spring'. Admittedly I was a little underwhelmed-we were expecting a large-ish pool in the middle of a pretty field etc - what we got was a very small tub of hot water! The people who own the land have stopped developing the spring so it was literally just a small hot tub basically but never mind the Brits stripped off and settled into the very warm, if a little smelly, water. On the drive back we spotted oil leaking out of our truck and we broke down, all 10 of us had to divide between the two remaining trucks resulting in there being 20 people all crammed into the top of our jeep!! This was a bit un-nerving but the Malaysians didn't seem to mind (as ever)! So after a very squished ride back came another cooked lunch which was really good too before the long drive back to UNMC (via MacDonald's for some quick food that wasn't rice based!!)

Overall this weekend was amazing and I loved having my birthday out here in Malaysia-did miss home alot though. In other Malaysia news Ive started playing netball and the lady loves me as I am bigger than the little Malaysians so can defend them well-not sure how I feel about that but oh well! Also got Chinese cultural event this week before LANGKAWI this weekend-very excited!! Also booked on cooking course for next weekend! Thats about all for now but watch this space next week for Langkawi blog!! Love to the UK :) 

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