Friday 3 May 2013

Singapore 28.04.2013 - 30.04.2013

I LOVE SINGAPORE!! That's basically what you shall learn from this blog post! Its very clean, easy to get around, the people are all very polite, the food is good, the shopping is good, all the attractions are amazing-its the whole package for a city lover like me!! Although in comparison to Malaysia it is SUPER expensive!!

We met up with Suzie on our first afternoon and spent a couple of hours in Chinatown-which was very large and had stalls selling so much stuff!!! I bought a really nice and very Asian tea set- dont know how I'm going to get that home but oh well :P After lunch and more shopping we changed in the hostel and headed out to Marina Bay. We spent some time in the beautiful Gardens by the Bay, huge botanical gardens surrounding the Marina Bay area which have a walkway and lights up beautifully at night-would've happily spent hours there! We had dinner underneath Marina Bay Sands-the famous hotel with the boat on the top which is the most amazing building ever!! After more photos with the Merlion (mascot of Singapore) we headed to 1Altitude-the worlds highest bar for cocktails and 360 degree views of this amazing city :)
Singapore Dollars

Prayers in the Chinese Temple

Day 2 we headed out to Singapore Zoo. We spent all day there with the free roaming orangutans and loads of other animals in a very open feeling zoo. We saw animal shows too including a sea lion show- I got kissed by the sea lion after!! I also fed 2 giraffes-which everyone knows are my favourite animals so that was my life made! We also did the river safari in order to see the Giant Pandas, Kai Kai and Jia Jia - who are the most gorgeous creatures ever and we spent ages watching them. After the zoo we stayed on for the night safari where we saw lots of nocturnal animals as well as giraffes, elephants and lions in a more natural night time setting, it was fantastic but we were really tired after a long day on our feet! Despite that we headed back to 1Altitude as the views were so amazing we had to experience them again!


Our final day in Singapore was another busy one! We wandered around Little India in the morning and went shopping for Saris! Luckily for my wallet I didn't buy one! We then headed to the botanical gardens which were again amazing! We saw the famous Orchid Gardens too including the Princess Diana Orchid that Will & Kate were here for earlier in the year. After a couple of hours in the gardens we had some Lemon Meringue Pie!!!! (that's awesome trust me!!) We then spent an hour or so in the National Museum which was good but we needed more time in there! Then we headed back to Chinatown for souvenirs then again to Marina Bay to watch the light show-they project light onto fountains for the show and its amazing!! It was a really nice way to round off the trip! Finally we had a 5 hour coach ride back to KL, which was cool in itself as we had massage chairs!!! :O

So basically I Love Singapore!! I cant wait to go back at some point as there is so much more to do and its such an awesome city. I never got bored of Marina Bay and took a ridiculously high number of pictures- about 600 over 3 days!! Yeah Singapore's awesome :)

So now the blog is up to date I've got 4 very boring weeks filled with revision and exams ahead of me - we are at university after all, but after that comes Thailand etc with the girls which I'm researching in my revision breaks-its gonna be awesome!! Missing home lots but closer to coming back now then when we got here - not too long now. Love to the UK xxx

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